Archive for the ‘NCAA Football’ Category
  • NCAA Football 09 demo coming June 19th
    Posted June 10th, 2008 at 1:37 pm No Comments
    I've just received word that the demo for NCAA Football 09 is expected to be out on Thursday June 19th for both the PS3 and 360. The demo will feature a rematch of the National Championship with Ohio State vs LSU. Also included will be a mascot game featuring the Gators vs Longhorns. Both will be on varsity difficulty with two minute quarters....
  • NCAA Football 09 top 25 toughest places to play
    Posted June 3rd, 2008 at 5:00 pm 107 Comments
    Something I neglected to add into my impressions from the community event was the list of the toughest places to play in NCAA Football 09. It was hard to judge how much difference there is from playing at a difficult venue compared to a mild one. QB composure seemed to be the most significant aspect of realizing the effects regardless of where you were playing, and it may be that the more intimidating the environment the more rattled opposing QBs can get. Here are the top 25 toughest places to...
  • More Football Community Event Videos
    Posted June 1st, 2008 at 6:55 pm 97 Comments
    I went through and pulled out some of the better clips that I had taken over the two days with Madden 09, NFL Head Coach 09, and NCAA Football 09. With Madden there is a lengthy superstar mode one which displays from the perspective of a RB, QB, CB, and DE, along with a few gameplay sequences. Head Coach has a short gameplay clip, a lengthy one displaying the play creator (which you can actually put together plays much faster than I show in that), and one that flips through all of the NFL's co...
  • NCAA Football 09 hands-on report two
    Posted May 29th, 2008 at 10:34 pm 42 Comments
    A lot of the thoughts on my second run-through with NCAA Football 09 was covered in the live blog from Thursday but here are more detailed thoughts after finishing up. Overall the game feels slightly more restricted than when I played it last month. You still get the sense of the wide-open gameplay but big plays happen less often and scores in general were coming out lower. I would attribute that to a decrease in acceleration which seemed a little extreme at the time for fast players. The...
  • Live Blog: NCAA Football 09
    Posted May 29th, 2008 at 7:48 am 126 Comments
    1201: Was playing Shopmaster from MaddenWars but hopped off to start the live blog. Heading into the 4th quarter he held a 26-7 lead (my defense could not get a stop). Have a few notes already and will add them shortly. Got a couple short video clips for tonight also. 1207: Got a late start due to the 360 I sat down at having the red rings. My luck! Plus I was sick this morning but I'm feeling much better now. 1210: I'm attempting to upload a few short video clips now. We'll see if I c...
  • NCAA Football 09 full game through videos
    Posted May 26th, 2008 at 12:59 pm 82 Comments
    Five videos making up an entire game of NCAA Football 09 have been posted by Vetzballin. Some quick impressions can also be found at the link. West Virginia takes on Penn State in a game that goes into OT. This is easily the best representation of the 09 to date as it is played realistically and on All-American difficulty. Continue on to view the videos. (more…)...
  • NCAA Football 09 online dynasty walkthrough
    Posted May 23rd, 2008 at 8:13 am 38 Comments
    EA Sports has posted a series of PDF documents detailing the process behind running and/or playing in an Online Dynasty in NCAA Football 09. Many screenshots are included in the documents which provide step by step instructions and descriptions. You can find all five of them here (click "tips on setting up online dynasty" on the left). Also mention is made of the coming online dynasty that features many major media sites. It'll be interesting given that some poorly rated teams have been cho...
  • NCAA Football 09 official team ratings
    Posted May 21st, 2008 at 2:42 pm 43 Comments
    EA Sports has released a spreadsheet that contains the finalized team ratings in NCAA Football 09. You can download that from here in excel form. It contains the offense, defense, and overall rating for each team. For those who haven't seen the top 25 rankings that can be found here. What are your thoughts on teams that might be overrated or underrated? Florida State may be the team that jumps out the most as blatantly overrated....