Archive for the ‘NCAA Football’ Category
  • Poll: Your Favorite Announced Addition to NCAA Football 11
    Posted April 17th, 2010 at 1:00 pm 16 Comments »
    There is a lot still to be revealed for NCAA Football 11 over the coming weeks and months leading up to release, but three major additions to the series have already been announced and detailed. NCAA 11 brings in a new locomotion engine, will have every school represented with its own authentic offensive style of play, and introduces the long-awaited ESPN style presentation. Just of these three significant additions to have been announced so far, which one are you most looking forward to or fe...
  • NCAA Football 11 ESPN Integration Detailed
    Posted April 15th, 2010 at 4:35 pm 74 Comments »
    Last week the introduction of ESPN presentation in NCAA Football 11 was first discovered. Today EA Sports has posted a blog confirming ESPN presentation while going into detail how it will be implemented in the game. You can check out the full blog posting here which includes a couple presentation related screenshots. Those five images along with an additional one that displays the ESPN wipe can also be viewed in the gallery. One of our first goals for this year’s title was to give our in-g...
  • ESPN in NCAA Football 11
    Posted April 8th, 2010 at 4:06 pm 53 Comments »
    For all who have been pleading for ESPN style presentation to be added in the NCAA Football series, it appears you will be getting just that. While there were some comments made in the earlier article regarding the spotting of ESPN in an image, I hesitated to post on that because I couldn't make it out myself. However EA Sports released a video of the cover shoot in which the ESPN branding is clearly visible. While this does not necessarily mean there will be full-on ESPN presentation, it w...
  • Tim Tebow Confirmed NCAA Football 11 Cover Athlete
    Posted April 8th, 2010 at 9:19 am 26 Comments »
    It comes as absolutely no surprise that today Tim Tebow has been announced as a cover athlete for NCAA Football 11. ESPN has posted an interview with Tebow that talks about the cover news, his thoughts on NCAA Football 11, and his pursuit of Donny Moore to boost his Madden 11 ratings. Update: Tebow is confirmed to be on ALL versions of NCAA Football 11. Kotaku got the info that he will be the universal cover athlete for the game. "Tebow will be the best trucking quarterback in 'Madden' t...
  • NCAA Football 11 Locomotion Blog, Video, and New Screenshots
    Posted April 5th, 2010 at 3:16 pm 79 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog detailing the new locomotion engine being introduced in NCAA Football 11. It will provide for more realistic player acceleration, better differentiation in styles of players across the different positions, momentum playing a larger role in making moves, and a better looking animation on long runs. Check out the full blog posting here which includes a video demonstrating the tech. Over the past several months, we've been working hard on a new momentum-based l...
  • NCAA Football 11: Lighting and New Screens
    Posted March 25th, 2010 at 1:58 pm 40 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog that focuses on positive reaction to the graphical improvements in NCAA Football 11 that came with the release of the first screenshot. They have also included two new screens (which can be found in the gallery) along with a comparison to NCAA 10 which really shows off the difference well. You can check it out in its entirety here. Without getting too much into the art/technical details, we wanted to talk about a couple of graphic improvements; the first  b...
  • NCAA Football 11 Focus Outlined
    Posted March 9th, 2010 at 4:41 pm 56 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog, one that outlines the general philosophy and areas that have been concentrated on for NCAA Football 11. Though it doesn't include any new reveals it does provide the opportunity to get a feel for the goals that the NCAA team is hoping to hit on this year. Those are cited as the core experience, authenticity, and innovation. You can check out the full blog posting here. At the end of the day we all know what ultimately matters in a football video game is what...
  • More Early News on NCAA Football 11
    Posted March 5th, 2010 at 11:15 am 34 Comments »
    The official website for NCAA Football 11 has gone live and includes some new content. The first blog goes over in a little more detail a few of the new features that were originally revealed last week. The topics covered include on-field referees and formation substitutions. There are also new mascots for the game that are being unveiled on a weekly basis. It appears that Teambuilder will remain unchanged from last year, and that teams already created for NCAA 10 will be usable in NCAA 11....