First NCAA Football 11 Tuner Set Out Now
The initial set of "gameplay tuners" for NCAA Football 11 arrived this morning. First introduced in NHL 10, EA Sports can now tweak game settings through the delivery of tuners which don't have to go through the patch process. That means adjustments can be made and new tuner sets can be sent out whenever deemed necessary without having to go through the certification period or face the restrictions that accompany patches.
This tuner set includes some changes to gameplay based on feedback an...
Info on the Upcoming NCAA Football 11 Patch
Though NCAA Football 11 has been received extremely well it was inevitable that there would be issues discovered with the game in serious need of being addressed. The biggest ones have been the QBs getting stuck in animations (PA rollout screen plays) and running backwards for safeties and generated recruits coming in with some terrible ratings resulting in really weak teams after a few years in dynasty.
According to EA Sports the next patch for NCAA 11 is on track to arrive sometime in mid...
NCAA 11 Gets Online Dynasty Related Update
EA Sports has released an Online Dynasty related update for NCAA Football 11. The changes made are due to some issues that were being had with accessing the OD website during peak hours or with old data being displayed. That should now be resolved. I have not however heard of any changes in the works for censored words within Dynasty Wire stories that have no business being censored. Hopefully tweaks will be made soon.
The 20 minute wait time to advance each week in Online Dynasty has been ...
Follow the Pastapadre Online Dynasty
While it remains unfortunate that such a limited number of people could be included within the NCAA Football 11 Pastapadre Online Dynasty that doesn't mean everyone else is out in the cold completely. I'll be doing some tie-ins with the site as the dynasty the moment we are currently just in the set-up/preseason phase. The Online Dynasty website dedicated page to follow all the stories, results, and stats can be found by clicking here. Also keep an eye on the forum for any anno...
EA Sports Now Going Over The Top With DLC
Much has been discussed regarding Madden's paid downloadable content and inclusion of advertising, but NCAA Football 11 introduces some paid DLC that is extremely questionable as well. The one I ran into last night? If you'd like to be a commish for multiple online dynasties you can now pay to do so. In order to commish an extra two that'll cost $10, an extra four will cost $15. Or you can just pay $30 and get every bonus being offered for the game. This all of course is on top of the "Online ...
NCAA Football 11 360 Named Rosters Available Now
A fully named roster set for the Xbox 360 version of NCAA Football 11 has been completed and can now be grabbed now by utilizing the 'Roster Share' feature. Thanks goes to Fairdale Kings for taking on such a lengthy and tedious task and making it available to everyone for free. Never pay for rosters!
To get the rosters: From the NCAA 11 menu go to Team Management – Roster Share – Download Roster – Download Roster. Then search the 360 gamertag pastapadre. Make sure to save the rost...
NCAA Football 11 PS3 Named Rosters Available Now
Word has come down that a fully named roster set for the PS3 version of NCAA Football 11 has been completed. Thanks goes to "Steelerfan" over at The Gaming Tailgate for taking on such a lengthy and tedious task and making it available to everyone for free. Never pay for rosters!
To get the rosters: From the NCAA 11 menu go to Team Management - Roster Share - Download Roster - Download Roster. Then search the PSN name gamingtailgate. Make sure to save the roster file after downloading and lo...
NCAA 11 Hard Drive Evaluation
Continuing with the series of Xbox 360 hard drive installation evaluations I've gone through and compared several aspects of the game based on loading times from the disk vs the hard drive. The NCAA Football series has been especially plagued by long loading times, laggy menus, and tedious menu navigation and installing should help with some of that. Unfortunately the loading times for NCAA Football 11 remain abnormally long compared to other 360 sports titles and there is still some noticeabl...