Archive for the ‘Entertainment’ Category
  • New on DVD: Week of February 8
    Posted February 9th, 2010 at 7:33 am No Comments »
    It's a bit of a slow week for movie releases. One of the movies that should sell well is Vince Vaughn's Couples Retreat. I thought it was a solid movie and had it's moments. If you enjoy other Vince Vaughn romantic comedies, you should enjoy this one as well. Also hitting stores is the dark comedy from the Coen brothers, A Serious Man. The film did well in reviews and scored an 87% on Here is the full release schedule broken up by standard DVD and Blu-ray: (more…...
  • 3D Remake of Jaws Being Considered
    Posted February 8th, 2010 at 6:28 pm 4 Comments »
    With all the talk of reboots and remakes why not start pulling out some classic films and combine that with the latest rage of filming (or later converting) to 3D? That apparently is on the minds of executives at Universal as Cinema Blend reports through a source that the studio is considering a 3D remake of the the 1975 film Jaws. While the shock value of an idea such as that has degraded the rumored casting will likely illicit a bigger reaction. Apparently Tracy Morgan has been in conside...
  • David Goyer and Jonah Nolan Writing Next ‘Batman’?
    Posted February 8th, 2010 at 4:53 pm 2 Comments » is reporting that David Goyer has left ABC's FlashForward to focus on his feature career. One of those features includes the sequel to The Dark Knight: Of course, Goyer's feature career is really heating up, since he co-wrote Batman Begins, and penned the story for The Dark Knight, and is now writing the third Batman installment with Chris Nolan's brother Jonah. ("As my feature projects have started ramping up again, I felt I was being pulled in too many directions," Goyer said...
  • SB XLIV Most Watched TV Program In History
    Posted February 8th, 2010 at 11:26 am 2 Comments »
    The series finale of M*A*S*H held the record of most viewers for a TV show for 27 years before Super Bowl XLIV surpassed it. With 106.5 million viewers the Colts vs Saints Super Bowl became the highest rated program of all time. Last year's game between the Cardinals and Steelers had set the record for a Super Bowl with 98.7 million having watched so it was a very significant increase over that. Back in 1983 when M*A*S*H aired its historic finale there were 83 million TV equipped homes compare...
  • Sequel To Valentine’s Day In The Works
    Posted February 8th, 2010 at 10:34 am 2 Comments »
    While Valentine's Day won't open until Friday Warner Brothers is already pushing forward with a sequel to be named New Years Eve. It will have a similar theme, covering a 24 hour period around the holiday with some of the same characters from Valentine's returning for the sequel. An early read on the box office potential of Valentine's Day has it headed towards an opening of over $30 million. Considering how many big stars are involved in the movie it would probably come as a surprise that ...
  • Dear John Tops Avatar For Box Office Win
    Posted February 7th, 2010 at 12:51 pm 2 Comments »
    Years from now it may become a trivia question. What movie ended Avatar's reign at the top of the box office after winning seven straight weekends? The answer is the Nicholas Sparks novel adaptation Dear John which soared past all industry expectations to make over $32 million. The military angle may have been what was most underestimated as the film was targeted not just to the younger female demo but also heavily marketed in military areas. Avatar still only dropped 24% to $23.6 million taki...
  • ‘Robin Hood’ Super Bowl Spot
    Posted February 7th, 2010 at 11:10 am No Comments »
    The Super Bowl always brings us new commercials and previews of movies hitting theaters at some point during the year. This year will be no different as fans of Robin Hood will get a preview of Universal Pictures latest adaptation of the story during the big game. Director Ridley Scott (Gladiator) teams up with Russell Crowe again to hopefully bring us an exciting movie. The film looks more like a cross between Gladiator and Braveheart than Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The clip gives us a ...
  • The Last Airbender Super Bowl Spot
    Posted February 6th, 2010 at 1:30 pm 4 Comments »
    Initial trepidation around The Last Airbender, particularly due to the casting but also having M. Night Shyamalan as director seems to have  shifted off somewhat towards more actual anticipation. It started with assurances that the focus was on truly replicating the look, spirit, and characters from the cartoon. That was followed by a well received teaser trailer and now this spot that will air during the Super Bowl which is getting great response. The Last Airbender is slated to release on J...