Archive for the ‘Entertainment’ Category
  • Top DVD Sales and Rentals for Week Ending February 21, 2010
    Posted February 25th, 2010 at 11:58 am 4 Comments »
    Law Abiding Citizen topped all DVD sales last week, knocking Couples Retreat from the top spot after one week. Although the film received mixed reviews from critics, that didn't stop people from buying the film that stars Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. Couples Retreat did keep it's spot as the most rented DVD last week though. Below is the list of DVD sales and rentals for the week ending February 21, 2010: Rentrak Top 10 Selling DVDs: 1 Law Abiding Citizen (Anchor Bay) 2 Couples Ret...
  • Second Trailer for A Nightmare on Elm Street
    Posted February 25th, 2010 at 7:14 am 2 Comments »
    It was nearly five months ago that the teaser trailer for the reboot of A Nightmare on Elm Street made its way out. With the release of the film nearing the full theatrical trailer arrived today. Starring Jackie Earle Haley as the iconic Freddy Krueger the story will be similar in nature to the original from 1984 but will delve deeper into the psychology of the nightmares and Freddy Krueger's background.  A Nightmare on Elm Street is slated to release on April 30th. (more…)...
  • David Goyer To Write ‘Superman’ Reboot?
    Posted February 24th, 2010 at 5:05 pm No Comments »
    Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. has turned to Batman Begins co-writer David Goyer about writing the script for a brand-new 'Superman' movie. Superman Returns director Bryan Singer and star Brandon Routh aren't expected to return. Warner Bros. is under a timeline to get another film in production by 2011 or risk having to pay the heirs of Superman-creator Jerome Siegel millions for the studio's exploitation of the character over the years. The Siegel heirs and the heirs of co-creator ...
  • More Captain America Casting Rumors
    Posted February 24th, 2010 at 12:47 pm 6 Comments »
    Earlier this month I wrote about the rumors surrounding the casting for the lead role in Captain America. At the time there had been some talk about Chris Pine (Star Trek) as well as TV actors including Ryan McPartlin (Chuck) and Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill). Now comes a list of seven actors that are reportedly on the short list for the coveted role. The rumored names? John Krasinski (The Office), Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights), Chase Crawford (Gossip Girl), Patrick Flueger (The ...
  • Next ‘Batman’ To Film In Chicago
    Posted February 23rd, 2010 at 5:20 pm 2 Comments »
    After the success of The Dark Knight, any news concerning the next 'Batman' film is big news. Earlier this month rumors were swirling that David Goyer and Jonah Nolan had begun writing the third 'Batman' installment. is reporting that the next 'Batman' will once again be filmed in Chicago. According to Mr. Bill "Jett" Ramey, the Bat In Charge, over at, Batman 3 scouts have been actively working in Chicago. Per Bill's sources Christopher Nolan and his ...
  • Second Trailer for The Karate Kid
    Posted February 23rd, 2010 at 4:44 pm 4 Comments »
    Though many have grumbled about The Karate Kid being remade it has actually gotten great scores at test screenings and the first trailer garnered at least a mildly positive reaction overall. Sony has now released a second trailer for the film. Starring Jackie Chan as the mentor Mr. Han and Jaden Smith (Will Smith’s son) as Dre, the movie takes the young character to China after his mother accepts a new job. In order to deal with a bully Dre is taught kung fu by the maintenance man Mr. Han. T...
  • Ian McShane To Play Blackbeard in Pirates 4
    Posted February 23rd, 2010 at 10:28 am 6 Comments »
    The gears have started moving on the next in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The fourth installment, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, will focus on the character of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and will not see the return of the characters previously played by Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley. The movie will be directed by Rob Marshall (Nine, Chicago) and is being targeted for release on May 20th 2011. The main villain will be Blackbeard and Ian McShane (Deadwood)...
  • New on DVD: Week of February 22
    Posted February 23rd, 2010 at 8:40 am No Comments »
    It's sort of a slow week for releases. Matt Damon's The Informant! is probably the biggest name hitting stores. I thought the movie was pretty funny. It took me a bit to understand what was going on, but once I did I found the movie to be quite entertaining. Also releasing is The Box, starring Cameron Diaz. I didn't really care for it and thought it became very weird about half way through the movie. Here is the full release schedule broken up by standard DVD and Blu-ray: (more…)...