Archive for the ‘Basketball’ Category
  • NBA 2K11 My Player Mode Detailed
    Posted September 2nd, 2010 at 6:31 pm 121 Comments
    2K Sports has released a video and accompanying blog going into further detail on the My Player career mode in NBA 2K11. Throughout the week we've learned of press conferences, signature shoes, and trade demands. Now there is even more including character traits such as fan support and chemistry, tweaks to grading, and attribute caps. You can check out the full blog here. Continue on to check out the video as well as leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Second NBA Elite 11 Gameplay Video
    Posted September 2nd, 2010 at 2:03 pm 119 Comments
    Last night EA Sports released the first footage directly captured from NBA Elite 11. It seemed to have been put together in reaction to the off-screen footage that made it out over last weekend. Even with what was meant to display the game under ideal conditions the general reaction was quite heavily negative. Now a second gameplay vid has arrived via Operation Sports. This one features the Oklahoma City Thunder @ Detroit Pistons and is the first look at CPU vs User (all prior videos have b...
  • NBA 2K11 Features Through Pictures
    Posted September 2nd, 2010 at 1:20 pm 43 Comments
    While the full features list for NBA 2K11 arrived a few days ago 2K Sports has released a set of images that go through many of those features and some of the improvements to My Player career mode. While most of them just recap what is already known there is one new addition that hadn't been revealed and that is "trade demands" in My Player. Continue on to check out the screens and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • First Directly Captured NBA Elite 11 Gameplay
    Posted September 1st, 2010 at 8:43 pm 145 Comments
    Over the weekend the first chance to see NBA Elite 11 in action arrived and the results weren't pretty. That EA Sports has held back on releasing gameplay footage has been notable and allowing those recorded sessions to be the first opportunity to see the game has raised even more eyebrows. Now EA seemingly in response has released a directly captured gameplay video via Operation Sports featuring the Bucks @ Knicks that runs 5:35. Keeping in mind that this is a carefully selected segment of...
  • NBA 2K11 My Player Adds Endorsements
    Posted September 1st, 2010 at 3:15 pm 89 Comments
    Continuing with the My Player mode related announcements for NBA 2K11 this week is the addition of endorsements. So far this week 2K Sports has revealed press conferences and signature shoes and now comes the endorsements. "Become a star in My Player mode and you'll get sponsorships from iconic brands. What sponsor would you most like to have? Jordan Brand? Gatorade? Sprite? 2K Sports???" As I alluded to yesterday I think this particular aspect of off-the-court development being brought in ...
  • NBA 2K11 My Player Adds Signature Shoes
    Posted August 31st, 2010 at 5:50 pm 79 Comments
    All throughout the week 2K Sports is announcing improvements to NBA 2K11's My Player career mode. Yesterday it was post-game press conferences and today it is signature shoes. "If you're gonna Become The Greatest, you gotta have your own signature shoe. Dominate in this year's version of My Player mode and you'll see your customized kicks on the feet of other guys in the league. What's your signature shoe gonna be called?" I've never quite understood the fascination that some have with shoe...
  • NBA 2K11 My Player Adds Press Conferences
    Posted August 30th, 2010 at 3:40 pm 88 Comments
    Quite a bit coming out today for NBA 2K11 and here is another new nugget of info. There really hasn't been much of anything said about improvements to My Player mode until now, with 2K Sports revealing the addition of post-game press conferences. "In NBA 2K11 you gotta take the podium for your own post-game press conferences. But watch what you say, your answers can earn you admiration or get you run out of town. Will you claim all the glory or will you praise your coaches?" It remains to b...
  • Two New NBA 2K11 Gameplay Videos
    Posted August 30th, 2010 at 12:00 pm 56 Comments
    Another two extended gameplay videos for NBA 2K11 have arrived. One features the Phoenix Suns @ Miami Heat and the other is a longer look at the "Shrug" game in the "Jordan Challenge" with the Blazers @ Bulls in game one of the 1992 NBA Finals. Continue on to watch the videos and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...