Archive for the ‘Basketball’ Category
  • NBA 2K11 Online Play Videos
    Posted October 2nd, 2010 at 5:03 pm 62 Comments
    No one will know how well NBA 2K11's online play performs until next week but a few videos of head-to-head gameplay has made its way out already. The series has been hampered by severe performance problems in the various online modes (particularly Team-Up) as well as bugs that have rendered the online leagues broken.  2K Sports has yet to really go into detail on the work they have done on the back-end to improve the experience and given all the additional sales due to the inclusion of Mi...
  • NBA Elite 11 Copies Do Exist
    Posted October 1st, 2010 at 9:02 pm 122 Comments
    It is extremely rare that a game gets delayed as close to its scheduled release as happened with NBA Elite 11. The decision seemed to come down at the very last minute, just eight days before it was set to hit store shelves. Given that time frame it was likely that the game had gone gold and copies had been manufactured, though they were unlikely to have been sent on their way to retailers. Even the cover athlete, Kevin Durant, didn't have one in hand and both EA Sports and 2K Sports make a...
  • Kevin Durant Learned About NBA Elite 11 Delay on Twitter
    Posted September 30th, 2010 at 5:05 pm 61 Comments
    One would assume that the cover athlete of a major sports game would be informed of a crucial development such as said game's delay. By agreeing to be on the cover and take on the role of spokesperson an athlete's image is ultimately being tested and put on the line. In the case of Kevin Durant, featured on the cover of NBA Elite 11, he apparently found out about the game's delay through Twitter and not from EA Sports. (more…)...
  • NBA Elite 11 Tribute Video
    Posted September 29th, 2010 at 2:16 pm 71 Comments
    It was just two days ago that EA Sports announced the release of NBA Elite 11 would be delayed. For those still having trouble coping, this user-created video mourning the (at least temporary) death of NBA Elite 11 may help! (more…)...
  • NBA 2K11 Now Faced With Difficulties That Come With Owning the Market
    Posted September 29th, 2010 at 11:16 am 116 Comments
    The announcement that EA Sports has delayed NBA Elite 11 was surely met by applause at 2K Sports as it leaves NBA 2K11 as the sole "sim" release for this season. 2K11 was already in position to blow Elite out of the water in sales but now it finds itself owning the entire market. However as the Madden franchise has learned that can bring about a level of scrutiny that is sometimes difficult to deal with and expectations that can almost be impossible to meet. (more…)...
  • NBA 2K11: NBA Today and Audio
    Posted September 28th, 2010 at 6:50 pm 89 Comments
    2K Sports has released a new blog that takes an extensive look at enhancements to both NBA Today and audio in NBA 2K11. The halftime show includes discussion on completed games and those in progress from around the league, there are new arena specific sounds, a new sideline reporter in Doris Burke, custom music on the PS3, and enhanced broadcast commentary. Continue on to watch the video highlighting many of these additions and improvements and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more&helli...
  • Thoughts on the NBA Elite 11 Delay
    Posted September 27th, 2010 at 5:25 pm 260 Comments
    It is not so much surprising that EA Sports has announced a "delay" for NBA Elite 11 in that they have made the decision to do so, but in the proximity to its scheduled release. With just one week until it was supposed to be out this decision was likely due in large part to the negativity from the community and inability to gain any traction with casual gamers. The response to the demo may have been the final nail in the coffin, though certainly it would seem the potential to delay had been on...
  • EA Sports Delays NBA Elite 11
    Posted September 27th, 2010 at 4:13 pm 95 Comments
    EA Sports has announced they have delayed NBA Elite 11 and will no longer release it as scheduled on October 5th. No word on if they plan to release NBA Elite 11 at all, or will come back with what they perceive as a strong offering a year from now for Elite 12. Tying in with that NBA Jam, which had been planned to be packaged into NBA Elite with a code, will now be out separately for the 360 and PS3 before the end of the year. EA Sports clearly saw the writing on the wall that the release ...