New Jerseys Leaked Through NBA 2K12
Whether the NBA season returns this year, next year, or at some other undetermined point in the future there will be a number of new alternate and ABA throwback uniforms debuting.
Thanks to NLSC (via Uni Watch) the new designs that were set to appear this year were discovered. These were cracked - they will be/would have been made available with a code to unlock them at a later date. Included in the bunch are alternates for the Heat, Kings, Raptors, Clippers, Grizzlies, Bobcats, Sixers, a...
NBA 2K12 Impressions: Online Play
It has now been a full week since NBA 2K12 arrived - plenty of time to iron out standard online play issues the accompany the typical release frame.
It is especially worrisome then that online play has yet to see marked improvement. Server issues, lag/disconnects, and removed features all add up to arguably the worst online experience for a major sports title in recent memory. (more…)...
NBA 2K12 Impressions: My Player
2K Sports has spent a great deal of effort hyping up the improvements to My Player mode for NBA 2K12. While there are a few worthwhile additions there are numerous fundamental flaws that are impossible to ignore. My Player remains one of the better career modes in sports gaming considering what it attempts but the on-court experience is still lacking and the trade logic is beyond troubled marring the overall experience significantly. (more…)...
NBA 2K12 Impressions: NBA’s Greatest
There is no doubt what mode shines this year for NBA 2K12 - not just in concept but also in execution. NBA's Greatest mode delivers some fantastic historic teams in a setting representative of their day. In a year marred by the league lockout it successfully energizes the product while continuing to educate fans. (more…)...
NBA 2K12 Impressions: Online Association
2K Sports has touted the addition of a compelling online component to Association mode in NBA 2K12 - making it easily the most anticipated new feature this year. Similar in nature to NCAA Football's Online Dynasty mode, Online Association was designed to present all of the very same features found offline taking it beyond the concept of simple online leagues. While it still holds a great deal of potential a few design decisions have hampered the experience significantly and server issues thu...
NBA 2K12 Online Issues Persist
Since release NBA 2K12 has struggled mightily in the area of online play - something that comes as little surprise to veterans of the series. Occasional updates from 2K Sports over the last two days have indicated work continues to get things operating properly and improve the experience but little in the way of results are being seen thus far. 2K12 has suffered from a wide range of online related issues leading to a great deal of consumer frustration. (more…)...
Your Thoughts on NBA 2K12
The follow-up to the universally praised NBA 2K11 arrived yesterday - with NBA 2K12 presenting additional legends and historic teams, gameplay and presentation enhancements, improved My Player mode, and a new online component to Association mode. The league lockout has siphoned off some of the anticipation levels however and affected the game by negating the value of some modes and leaving rosters generally in the same state as last year while even preventing the insertion of rookies.
NBA 2K12 Hard Drive Loading Evaluation
With NBA 2K12 in hand the first thing to check on as always was loading times when playing from the disc up against those when installed to the Xbox 360 hard drive. 2K12 represents the largest install I've ever come across and possible to date on the 360 - it utilizes the new discs that have additional storage space and comes in at a massive 7.9 GB. Loading times in general are reasonable on the disc with the install doing little to improve on them though helping in fluidity of navigation. ...