MLB The Show 16 gets its first new packs of the regular season
Two new card packs began being offered in the MLB The Show 16 store yesterday. The "Prime Time Performers" and "Swing For The Fences" packs go for 5,000 coins and contain 3 player cards with a higher chance them being Gold or Diamond.
The math doesn't really add up to make one of these packs a good value purchase however. Take 5,000 Coins and either buy one of these new packs getting 3 player cards that have 2X chance of being a Gold or Diamond OR you open 5 regular packs and get 30 pl...
Press Row Podcast: Diamond Dealing
Team-building modes in sports games are intended to be played for months on end, if not year-round, making them initially tough to assess when in the early days following their respective releases. With over three weeks now having been spent playing Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 16 there’s a lot more that has been evaluated following the coverage in the review roundtable episode. Bryan Wiedey and T.J. Lauerman discuss everything there is to do with the popular mode in an all-new Press R...
Week two roster update for MLB The Show 16 adds more rookies and adjusts some ratings
The first in-season roster update for MLB The Show 16 was primarily utilized to add in rookies who had made their Major League debut. In the second update, which went out today, more rookies have been introduced into the game.
After being left out last week, Dae-Ho Lee has made his way into the game, however for some reason placed on the Mariners' AA team rather than the MLB squad. The highest rated new rookie is Brett Nicholas of the Rangers, while Mallex Smith and Nomar Mazara are the o...
Details on the second patch for MLB The Show 16 which attempts to fix more problems
Sony San Diego had to rush out a patch for MLB The Show 16 earlier this month, and now they've quickly pushed through a second urgent update for the game to address the critical issues it has been facing.
The new patch includes attempts to fix "Challenge Failed" errors plus other crashes and bugs. The developer is also warning not to use Perks in Road to the Show as a pitcher as it'll cause the game to crash until they can get another patch out at a later date. (more…)...
First in-season roster update is out for MLB The Show 16 adding many rookies
Today the first roster update for MLB The Show 16 went out and it includes many of the rookies that have made their debut early in the season. There are no ratings changes - no need to overreact to a handful of games' worth of data - with the update focusing instead on the new players and any other transactions that have taken place.
This roster update is highly anticipated for the addition of players like Trevor Story, Byung Ho Park, Kenta Maeda, and Ross Stripling. Story set the recor...
Online issues remain a pressing concern for MLB The Show 16
Despite multiple server-side updates and a patch, MLB The Show 16 has continued to suffer from online-related issues. Whether it be menu slowdown due to the servers, or an inability to get online games started or completed, the situation has seemingly not improved and in some ways only worsened. Sony San Diego released a statement this evening that work on another emergency patch is ongoing and could release in the "coming days."
We are aware of and continue to track and investigate issue...
Conquest adds a lot to MLB The Show 16 but drags near the end
Last year Diamond Dynasty really came into its own as arguably the best of the team-building modes within the sports gaming genre. What it lacked was variety - both in team construction and methods of play - and those issues have been tackled well with MLB The Show 16.
The most popular way to play right now based on the results of multiple polls is against the CPU. That comes as somewhat of a surprise considering the always-connected mode was built on head-to-head online competition. How...
First patch out now for MLB The Show 16 and it includes a significant bonus
The first patch for MLB The Show 16 has been pushed live on PlayStation 4. The update includes some bug fixes that have been rushed out to better improve the experience, as it'll take some more time before a patch in response to community feedback can make it out.
♦Online gameplay softlock addressed: the game will no longer get into a pickoff state when a pitch is in flight or when a ball is in play.
♦Extensive work has been done to address the "Challenge failed" issue on PS4.