The BIGS 2 Coming This Summer
Just the other day I wrote about my hope that someone would step up and produce an arcade baseball game. My original plea had always been for a sequel to The BIGS but no indication had been given that one was in the works. The BIGS was released in June 2007 and was my favorite sports title of the year. It mixed exaggerated action with solid strategic elements and also had one of the first online co-op modes to be offered.
Thanks to a teaser trailer (as confirmed to me by Chase and through...
EA Should Consider An Arcade Baseball Game
With 2K Sports holding the third-party MLB license they have tried to squeeze the most out of it by branching out through several off-titles. The BIGS, MLB Front Office Manager, MLB Superstars, MLB Stickball, MLB Fantasy All-Stars, and MLB Power Pros (as distributor). What has frustrated me as of late is that they haven't followed up with a sequel to The BIGS which is a game I enjoyed immensely, sold relatively well, and had a lot of potential for ways to be even better.
Recently EA Sport...
Reviewers Get One Right and One Wrong
The first two sports titles of the year have been released in MLB Front Office Manager and 3 on 3 NHL Arcade. Both have been hit hard by reviewers despite their lower prices. In the case of MLB FOM I had some positive hopes for it and initially liked it but a couple major issues have negated all that and with a patch unlikely there isn't much hope of getting much enjoyment out of the game. On the other hand 3 on 3 NHL Arcade delivers exactly what it promised as a light-hearted fun offering b...
Further Impressions of MLB FOM
I posted up my initial reaction to MLB Front Office Manager last night where I was encouraged by the manager mode and that the online fantasy mode appears to have the potential to be enjoyable. After putting some more time in with the game I can discuss some other areas and whether my overall feeling has changed at all. Continue on for further thoughts on the game, some screens, and a couple videos videos of managing a game.
MLB FOM May Be A Gem
I've only had my copy of MLB Front Office manager for a couple hours but my initial impression is that the game is clearly better than reviews have led on and that it will be much more accessible than NFL Head Coach. It makes it all the more unfortunate that 2K Sports didn't fully support it prerelease.
MLB FOM 2nd Developer Diary
It may have taken over two months but the second developer diary video is now out for MLB Front Office Manager. This one focuses on scouting, evaluating, and drafting talent.
Unfortunately we still know next to nothing about the online fantasy leagues and the game is out in two days. I'm still interested in running one of the leagues, however given the circumstances I'm going to wait to make sure it will even be worthwhile to do so. If the mode is promising then I'll put up another postin...
FOM Gets Hit Hard By More Reviews
Last week it was OXM that had the first review for MLB Front Office Manager giving it a 5/10. Now the latest edition of Game Informer includes a review along with a second opinion where it received scores of 3/10 and 5/10.
After the first poor review I felt it would be important that 2K change the story by finally beginning to show the game off and lay out the specifics of it. A similar type game in NFL Head Coach 09 did an excellent job of that. There has been nothing about the game si...
MLB Front Office Manager Achievements
Generally I don't end up posting full articles about Xbox 360 achievement lists. However in the case of MLB Front Office Manager I was looking forward to the list in hopes that it would provide some more insight into the game. As mentioned in my last article on FOM we are nearing release with less than two weeks and have very little to go on other than the vague feature details.
Unfortunately the list doesn't provide much in the way of clarification or new information. Actually the list i...