MLB 11: The Show Team Rankings
The full 1-30 team rankings for MLB 11: The Show have made their way out through a posting over at Operation Sports. The overall rankings take into consideration the entirety of the teams' pitching staff, hitting lineup, and fielding proficiency. The Red Sox top the list followed by the Yankees, the reigning World Series Champion Giants, AL Champion Rangers, and the Phillies with their starting pitching staff for the ages. Continue on for the full listing of teams and leave any thoughts in the...
MLB 11: The Show Demo Impressions
Many gamers had seemingly been on the fence regarding MLB 11: The Show heading into its demo release on Tuesday. I certainly fell amongst them, and in the end I could end up being disappointed yet again if the online play remains dismal. However after having spent a good deal of time with the demo I can safely say that what had been largely stale is no longer thanks in large part to the new analog controls. (more…)...
MLB 11: The Show Demo Now Available
The update to PSN this evening has brought with it the highly anticipated demo for MLB 11: The Show. The demo includes four innings of the World Series rematch between the Texas Rangers and San Francisco Giants at AT&T Park. Currently it can only be found by doing a manual search in the PlayStation Store (will show elsewhere later tonight) and comes in at a hefty 3GB.
MLB 11 offers brand new analog controls for pitching, hitting, and fielding making the demo a great opportunity to get a...
MLB 11: The Show Gameplay Video
With the hours ticking down to the release of the MLB 11: The Show demo a full gameplay video has been released. Unfortunately the only way to view it is from the Gamestop site so click over and scroll down to select "Gameplay Trailer" from the column on the right side of the page.
The video includes seven full minutes of high quality footage featuring the St. Louis Cardinals @ Chicago Cubs. It affords a decent opportunity to get a look at the pitching meter in action and sample some of the...
Demo for MLB 11: The Show Out Tomorrow
In a posting yesterday the Playstation Blog casually revealed that a demo for MLB 11: The Show would release with the update of PSN on the evening of Tuesday February 21st. This comes as somewhat of a surprise simply due to the timing involved and that to date SCEA had not publicly discussed any of their plans for the demo.
Typically Sony would make a bigger deal out of promoting their products including their demo releases. That Killzone 3 releases on Tuesday ultimately shouldn't affect h...
MLB 11: The Show Pitching Controls Tutorial; 2K Sports Not Impressed
The big new feature for MLB 11: The Show comes with the implementation of analog controls. In regards to the pitching mechanic it involves what is essentially a meter like years past however utilizing the right analog stick to determine strength and accuracy based on the down-up motion and release point. To show off the new system SCEA has released a tutorial video going over how the analog pitching works which can be viewed on the Gamestop page (scroll down and select 'Pure Pitching Tutorial ...
MLB 11: The Show Stadiums and Ambiance
SCEA has delivered the first blog for MLB 11: The Show which briefly covers the stadium realism and ambiance. New to the game this year are stadium specific (and fully functional) jumbotrons and the weather conditions include rain and fog. Continue on to check out a video highlighting these areas and leave any thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
MLB 11: The Show Fact Sheet
SCEA has released the full fact sheet for MLB 11: The Show. As usual the list of features is extensive as the document includes not just what has been added to the MLB 11 but also those that have been previously established in the series. Continue on to check out all the details and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...