Archive for the ‘MLB: The Show’ Category
  • MLB The Show 16 Franchise Mode Stream
    Posted March 4th, 2016 at 10:45 am 9 Comments
    The latest stream for MLB The Show 16 has gone through what's new for Franchise Mode which was first detailed earlier this week. It's by far the shortest of the streams that have been held by the development team on a particular subject, but probably natural given that the improvements are related to statistics and player morale. One new disappointing note is that none of the changes to Franchise will be found in Online Franchise.  (more…)...
  • Improvements to Franchise Mode for MLB The Show 16
    Posted March 1st, 2016 at 10:45 am 12 Comments
    The cycle through all the improvements and additions to MLB The Show 16 continues this week having finally reached Franchise Mode. Stat tracking now includes more categories, such as WAR and FIP, and are kept throughout the careers of the players. Player Morale and personality will affect performance, preferences are in place for free agents when considering contracts from teams, and there are new screens for contract negotiations and the breakdown of the budget. Please enable Javascript ...
  • Press Row Podcast: Countdown to Baseball
    Posted February 27th, 2016 at 9:30 am 6 Comments
    The latest episode of the Press Row Podcast goes over all the recent information on MLB The Show 16. Everything from gameplay to presentation to Diamond Dynasty are covered. Other topics include the lawsuit against Take Two over tattoos in NBA 2K, the UEFA Euro content coming to PES 2016, and impressions of the new NBA Live Mobile game. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, on Android with the Stitcher app, or with Pocket Casts on iOS, Android, and Windows. Subscribe and revi...
  • MLB The Show 16 stream goes into presentation and commentary
    Posted February 25th, 2016 at 5:30 pm 11 Comments
    In a developer stream today presentation took center stage for MLB The Show 16. New features include multiple broadcast display packages that vary depending on the stature of the game, a hybrid presentation option that falls between Fast-Play and Broadcast, home run distances being displayed, more personalization for the teams and players, and improvements to the radio show within Franchise and Road to the Show. The most criticized part of The Show over recent years has been the commenta...
  • MLB The Show 16 Q&A Stream
    Posted February 24th, 2016 at 12:00 pm 5 Comments
    The latest archived developer stream for MLB The Show 16 was centered on answering questions about the game. In addition to gameplay there are some looks around a few of the stadiums, new equipment, batting stances, and pitching motions. The developers are finishing up the game on Friday so it's crunch time. Some work mentioned being done at this late stage relate to lighting and stadium details, all Marlins players having their facial hair removed with manager Don Mattingly putting th...
  • First screenshots for MLB The Show 16
    Posted February 20th, 2016 at 2:00 pm 15 Comments
    More often than not screenshots are the first media seen on an upcoming sports game. But despite multiple trailers and streams, and the majority of features having been revealed, it wasn't until now that SCEA provided the first actual official screenshots for MLB The Show 16. Check out all 20 of them in the FB album. There are a few things to look for specifically in these, including the "physically based rendering" that improves the look of objects around the stadium, and the name text o...
  • MLB The Show 16 stream on Diamond Dynasty and online gameplay balancing
    Posted February 18th, 2016 at 5:00 pm 6 Comments
    In a developer stream held today the improvements to Diamond Dynasty detailed earlier this week were examined in greater detail. Those include the new types of cards and the effect of Inside Edge on daily ratings. Additionally, online play in general was discussed, with exploits related to things like quick-pitching, steals, and bunts having been addressed.  (more…)...
  • Details on improvements to Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 16
    Posted February 16th, 2016 at 6:00 pm 1 Comment
    While the refresh of Diamond Dynasty was warmly received last year in MLB 15 - winning the award for Best Team-Building Mode - what quickly became apparent was that everyone eventually reached a point where teams were comprised of all the same players. For the mode in the upcoming MLB The Show 16 new features have been added to provide incentive for rosters to be put together with a wider variety of players. New this year is the ability to play against friends with Diamond Dynasty teams, ...