Archive for the ‘MLB 2K’ Category
  • MLB 2K9 and 09 The Show Player Comparison Video
    Posted February 25th, 2009 at 11:36 am 175 Comments
    I'm really enjoying creating the HD videos so I decided to do something a little different and make one that put MLB 09 The Show and MLB 2K9 right up against each other. This one isn't in full HD since I had to convert it but it still looks pretty good. I took at bats from Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard, and Carl Crawford from the pitching perspective so you can compare graphics and signature stances among other things. Actually an unintended result of the video is displaying one of the probl...
  • MLB 2K9 Demo Impressions and Videos
    Posted February 24th, 2009 at 11:20 am 167 Comments
    I wanted to get up some initial impressions of MLB 2K9 after running through the demo a couple times. By no means is this a definitive assessment of the game, but there are numerous things worth mentioning that I found to be positives as well as dislikes that I have come across already. Overall the reaction to the demo seems to be quite mixed with most everyone recognizing improvement but much of that being overshadowed by discussion of various issues. Continue on to read through my thoug...
  • MLB 2K9 Demo Now Available
    Posted February 24th, 2009 at 2:09 am 73 Comments
    The demo for MLB 2K9 is now out for the 360 and will be arriving for the PS3 on Thursday. This is a relatively highly anticipated demo coming off of last year's poor offering and with the studio move to Visual Concepts. Unlike last year the demo is out prior to the game's release which is encouraging in itself and this could result in some confidence heading up to it's release next week. A three inning rematch of the World Series with the Tampa Bay Rays @ Philadelphia Phillies is featured...
  • MLB 2K9 Conference Call Recap
    Posted February 20th, 2009 at 8:32 pm 101 Comments
    Earlier this afternoon I had the opportunity to participate in the media conference call for MLB 2K9 with Lead Features Designer Erick Boenisch and Gameplay Producer Jonathan Rivera. Along with Chase from OS we live blogged the call. You can catch the transcript here. I also wanted to write up a recap to go accompany the live blog. These calls usually provide a good overview of the game as some of the attendees have not followed the pre-release progress and the questions reflect that. Sti...
  • Live Blog: MLB 2K9 Conference Call
    Posted February 20th, 2009 at 1:53 pm 26 Comments
    As mentioned on Wednesday the MLB 2K9 media conference call takes place today at 5ET/2PT. While I'll have a full recap article up on it late tonight myself and Chase wanted to live blog it. We'll be commenting throughout and hopefully it'll be interesting for everyone to follow along with. Generally these sessions run for about 45 minutes. If you miss out on following along live the transcript stays so you can still check it out after it is over. Continue on to view the live blog. Feel fr...
  • MLB 2K9 Conference Call on Friday
    Posted February 18th, 2009 at 3:40 pm 34 Comments
    As is the case with many of their titles 2K Sports is holding a media-invited conference call prior to release. For MLB 2K9 that is taking place on Friday at 5ET/2PT. During the call myself and Chase Becotte of Operation Sports will be teaming up for a live blog. Expect reflection on what we are hearing or not hearing, our general thoughts, and probably some insults between each other throughout. After it is over I will still do a full write-up as usual for anyone who would just like to read...
  • MLB 2K9 X-Play Preview
    Posted February 18th, 2009 at 8:20 am 51 Comments
    Yesterday on X-Play there was a hands-on discussion of MLB 2K8 with a couple of the producers. While the interview doesn't offer any information on the game that wasn't previously known it is probably still worth a watch if you are interested in 2K9. I was a little put off by the enthusiasm from Adam Sessler though given not only how X-Play rated MLB 2K8 over MLB 08 The Show last year but also how they had a similar interview with then producer Ben Brinkman that avoided discussion of any ...
  • First MLB 2K9 Impressions Out
    Posted February 16th, 2009 at 4:20 pm 48 Comments
    Operation Sports is the first site to post true impressions of MLB 2K9. Previous hands-on previews have pretty much just summed up the features while making sure to avoid discussing their opinions on the game. However Steve over at OS has laid out some of the things he likes and some of the things that he has found bothersome in the game. Basically it sounds as though that as expected the game is improved overall. The commentary, presentational elements and flow to the game due to the rea...