A huge benefit to being first party means getting propelled to the front of the line in the patch certification process and not having to pay a significant fee for more after completing the first two free ones. While SCEA hasn’t really taken advantage of the latter in recent years for The Show they have the former by getting the first extensive patches out within a matter of weeks. That happened again with MLB 13: The Show as a hefty update that came out in late March and now the company has followed it up with another.
The latest patch only addresses a few issues and it’s unclear whether SCEA has plans to provide further support in the way of patches.
•Difficulty fix for ALL Online Modes.
•Significant Steal Early exploit in on online game.
•Online Game soft hangs when pinch hitting or bringing in a reliever past the 7th inning.
•Addressed an issue with completed games in the ticker.
•Manager mode, the CPU never setup for double plays. When there are runners on (1st base/1st and 2nd/1st and 3rd/bases loaded) and 0 or 1 outs, the defense would not be in DOUBLE PLAY depth. And turning a double play would result in a looping throw to 2nd base, and the AI would almost never turn the double play. Now, in the runners on base situation, the defense will play in double play depth and gracefully attempt to turn double plays.