Just a short time ago Fox announced via Twitter that director Ridley Scott’s next project will be a sci-fi epic known as Prometheus. The movie is set to star Noomi Rapace, best known for her performance as Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. A release date of March 9th 2012 has also been nailed down.
What does that mean for the long rumored Alien prequels that Scott had been working towards getting up and running? Prometheus is what those have turned into, and rather than doing true prequels this project will represent a shift away to an original story and universe but will certainly carry with it some similar themes. Rapace will play one of the lead roles as a scientist, and another big female role is yet to be cast. Rumored to be in consideration for that role are Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron.