The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦EA Access launches on PS4 July 24th the same day the Madden NFL 20 trial begins.
♦More of the specific X-Factor Abilities have been revealed for Madden NFL 20.
♦Amazon has Madden NFL 20 pre-orders with price guarantee listed for just $50.94.
♦Amazon has FIFA 20 pre-orders with price guarantee listed for just $50.94.
♦Amazon has NHL 20 pre-orders with price guarantee listed for just $50.94.
♦Bill that would allow college athletes to profit off likeness in California is progressing.
♦PES 2019 is one of the free games begin given away in July to PS+ subscribers on PS4.
♦Konami revealed details on the PES 2020 demo that will release July 30th.
♦Details on this week’s roster update with ratings changes for MLB The Show 19.
♦Details on the latest content introduced into Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 19.
♦Details on the latest content update available now in NBA Live 19.
♦More details on changes to features in the upcoming refresh of Madden Mobile.
♦Out of the Park Baseball 20 is part of the Steam summer sale going for 50% off.
♦Only notable movie release this week is Shazam coming to digital video.