The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Madden NFL 19 gives the Rams a 72% chance of winning Super Bowl 53.
♦Rams win 93% of the time scoring 30+ and when under 30 the Patriots win 64%.
♦Companion app update added MUT Auction House access for Madden NFL 19.
♦The first trailer for MLB The Show 19 will release on Tuesday Feb. 5th.
♦Details on the ratings changes from a new roster update in NBA 2K19.
♦Decent sale NBA 2K19 for XB1/PS4/Switch currently through Amazon.
♦NBA Live 19 is being offered for $10 digital Xbox One and $10 with PS+ on PS4.
♦The most recent patch made to FIFA 19 has now also reached the consoles.
♦Details on the latest patch to have gone out for NHL 19.
♦The tuner update based on feedback from the rollback went live late in NHL 19.
♦Spike Volleyball is set to release on Tuesday and put out two mocap videos.
♦NASCAR Heat 3 will roll out its official 2019 update on Tuesday Feb. 12th.
♦Blu-ray this week The Grinch and Widows – on digital Overlord and Robin Hood.