Earlier this week Madden NFL 18 received a massive patch which added new features, updated likenesses and equipment, and attempted to fix a number of issues and deliver improvements based on community feedback. Unfortunately there were some unforeseen problems that arose from a handful of the changes that were implemented, and another patch that was rushed out today has reversed course on the areas affected.
Our top priority for the update was to address the lag many of our Franchise users are experiencing while playing their games, but we have discovered that the fix we implemented has not been sufficient in fixing the issue. With today’s title update, we are removing that fix from the game, as it has instead resulted in impacting Franchise users. We’ll keep working diligently to get the lag issue addressed in an upcoming update.
♦Reverted attempted fix for lag in Franchise mode to in order to fix Franchise crashes
♦Fixed a crash some users were experiencing in Franchise when navigating menus very quickly
♦Reverted tuning change to “Nearby Player” catching penalty to reduce the number of drops
♦Reverted “Low Catch Rating” and “Catch in Traffic” user notification banners
♦Addressed Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) Auction House filters resetting after making a bid