The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Peter Moore is leaving to become CEO of Liverpool FC after 10 years as exec with EA.
♦Mutant Football League has one day of Kickstarter left and is nearing final stretch goal.
♦MLB The Show 17 is back available for pre-order on Amazon and 20% off with Prime.
♦The digital PlayStation 4 sale on EA games will be coming to a close early Tuesday.
♦Details on the Ultimate Team NFL Combine Program running now in Madden NFL 17.
♦Ratings updates done in FIFA 17 for Premier League, Bundesliga, and La Liga.
♦EA may expand Ultimate Team to non-sports games and $800 million/yr figure cited.
♦High Horse Entertainment debuted a release trailer for Disc Jam which is out Tuesday.
♦The roster update for NHL 17 with all the trade deadline moves recently went out.
♦Codemasters detailed the Day One and Special Editions for the upcoming DiRT 4.
♦Wolverine Studios’ Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2017 has launched for $35.