Once Mutant Football League was able to achieve its Kickstarter goal, something that took the spiritual successor to 1993’s Mutant League Football only three days to do, developers sought feedback on potential stretch goals. By reaching additional funding targets they can deliver more features to the game targeting October for PC release and early 2018 for PS4/Xbox One. The final stretch goals have now been announced and several have already been met.
Funding for the game recently surpassed $78,000 and there are still 24 days to go. Depending on pledge level the rewards include digital copies come release, alpha and/or beta access, t-shirts and collectibles. Mutant Football League is described as an “NFL Blitz arcade-style football game, with nasty mutants, ferocious monsters, deadly chainsaws, and lots of gory player deaths, along with some edgy, satirical humor that parodies America’s favorite sport.”