The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Many of the great deals on games, console bundles, and more are still available!
♦Cyber Monday deals include Madden NFL 17 and FIFA 17 for just $28.
♦Console bundles for PS4 Slim and Xbox One S going for just $212.
♦One of the latest deals is $60 off the brand new PS4 Pro console today only.
♦Predictably the Park After Dark event in NBA 2K17 last night was a near complete disaster.
♦Head-to-head online Seasons mode is coming back to MUT with an update soon.
♦There was no roster update released due to the holiday last week in Madden NFL 17.
♦Super Mega Baseball 2 will be playable at PlayStation Experience in early December.
♦Don Bradman Cricket 17 has set release for Dec. 22 (XB1/PS4) and Jan. for PC.
♦Check out images showing off updated faces and more from the latest PES 2017 patch.
♦The patch that will add PS4 Pro support for PES 2017 is still expected in mid-December.
♦Video dev blogs on inspiration of the Alps and designing tricks for the upcoming Steep.
♦Details on a major patch that recently released for WWE 2K17.
♦Thanksgiving-themed Diamond Dynasty content added to MLB The Show 16.
♦Burnout Paradise will be free (Xbox One/360) for XBL Gold members Dec 16-31.