The effectiveness and usefulness of rookies in the Madden NFL franchise is not necessarily linked directly to their draft positioning or even their Overall Rating. The position they play, specific attributes which carry more importance than others, whether they are user or CPU controlled, and the opportunity they’ll have in the NFL to perform and earn ratings upgrades over the course of the season all play a huge role in whether they’ll have a major impact or none at all in the upcoming video game.
With a look ahead to Madden NFL 17, what teams did the most in the NFL Draft to enhance their status in both one-off games and for Franchise Mode? Which teams did the least to improve? Among the 12 teams profiled on one side or the other are the Jaguars, Eagles, Redskins, Cowboys, and Patriots. Check out all the teams considered as the big winners and losers for the upcoming video game in the piece put together on Sporting News.