Yesterday a patch went out for Madden NFL 16 to add in the new Salary Cap Ranked mode to Ultimate Team. Soon after the update was applied reports started coming in from the community that false starts were occurring at an alarming rate.
In a test run today on All-Pro with default settings there were a total of 10 false starts committed in just the first half of the game with 6 of them coming from the CPU. That’s in line with what others have been seeing. Users can adjust and avoid doing a fake snap of course, which is the culprit as it seems to result in a false start about half the time, but the CPU doesn’t know to do that so they’re looking at double-digit fouls per game.
EA Sports has since commented that they are investigating the issue and expect a fix to be out “very shortly.” While it’s unclear if that will need to come via another patch, which would require a fairly lengthy process of approval from Microsoft and Sony, the wording seems to suggest a gameplay tuner may be able to address it more immediately.