Though the individual features may not necessarily be generating excitement fans of the series are clearly anticipating the upcoming MLB 15: The Show. The results of the poll posted last week showed high levels of commitment to purchasing the game with relative few still on the fence. The Show is probably the steadiest of all the sports video game franchises with sales that don’t fluctuate much year-to-year so this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
48% of respondents declared that they are “Definitely Buying” while 31% are going to pass on the game (22% “Not Interested, 9% because they don’t have a PlayStation system). 9% of people are “Leaning Towards Buying” and 6% “Leaning Against”. Only 6% feel as though they are truly undecided with just over two weeks until the game comes out.
SCEA has followed in the footsteps of EA Sports and 2K Sports in holding multiple live streams dedicated to specific aspects of the product along with pure gameplay. Features like save migration from MLB 14 could also be selling some on buying the new edition. Those who invested time in the game last year may want to take advantage of not needing to restart their progress in Franchise and Road to the Show.