Another patch has arrived for FIFA 14 on the PS4 today with it expected to go live on the Xbox One also within a matter of days. EA Sports has been supporting both the last-gen and new-gen FIFA exceedingly well as opposed to some other sports gaming franchises in a similar position which have seemed to suffer due to the split. The earlier patch addressed problems for those with Virtual Pro stats and attributes that carried over from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game and various stability issues. The new one addresses some specific online related troubles and makes some other adjustments.
♦Some stability issues when entering Online matches.
♦Some cases where users with large friends lists can’t access certain Online features.
♦Allows the Goalkeeper in Clubs mode to change camera angles.
♦Modifications to a couple camera angles in specific stadiums to improve playability.
♦Ensures Brazuca match ball appears properly in FUT once redeemed in Catalogue.
♦Resolves some Online issues regarding match invites.
♦Improvements to some Kinect Global Speech Commands.
♦Occurrences of mismatched roster names in Seasons matches.
♦Virtual Pro Ball Skills varying from match to match.
♦Random list appearing instead of Friends Clubs list in Pro Clubs.