The instances of NBA 2K14 crashing on PS4 and Xbox One reported originally last week have continued, and seemingly even amplified, following the patch that released yesterday.
While consumers have experienced crashes when playing games and in a variety of modes where the majority seem to be occurring are within MyCareer mode. For many the mode – which is often cited by 2K Sports as being the most played and arguably represents the biggest selling point of the product – flat out does not work right now.
For some the crashes are accompanied by an error code (CE-34878-0) and for others there is no indication of what went wrong. While the patch was said to address issues with MyCareer save files clearly that wasn’t the cause of the crashes and the fix they implemented for one thing may have actually made the mode much more unstable.
As great as the highs of NBA 2K14 are on next-gen, rare has been the occasion where this many emails and tweets related to issues with a game have been directed my way. Chatter related to this issue in particular is significant through social media where 2K Sports has refused to comment on any specific problems consumers are having.