The Line Drive for September 22

Posted September 22nd, 2013 at 12:30 pm

The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.

♦Make sure to get entries in for the NBA 2K14 giveaway!
♦$10 promo credit has been added to FIFA 14 – makes 360 to One upgrade essentially free.
♦2K Sports released a video blog discussing the gameplay improvements for NBA 2K14.
♦Screenshots of the new shoes for NBA 2K14 have been posted.
♦The next NBA Live 14 trailer is currently scheduled for September 25.
♦New blog details the changes coming to Pro Clubs in FIFA 14.
♦The complete list of matches for WWE 2K14’s WrestleMania mode has been posted.
♦OverDog, which connects fans w/ athletes for online gaming, has released for Android.
♦It won’t reach its goal but a Kickstarter is running for a new Mutant Football League game.
♦Sony released details on the $10 trade up program for select digital PS3->PS4 games.
♦Check out the “Hollywood Nights” jerseys the Lakers will wear this season.

News and content that may have been missed from the last week around the site.

♦DVD/Blu-ray Releases This Week. Headlined by Iron Man 3.
♦Breaking Bad Complete Series Details. Releases on November 26.
♦AMC Announces Walking Dead Spinoff. To debut in 2015.

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