The first trailer has arrived for the upcoming Disney animated film Frozen. From the creators of Tangled and Wreck it Ralph, the film features the voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and Alan Tudyk. The story centers on two sisters – the older of which accidentally places a curse that has frozen over the kingdom and the younger one who must journey to find her and set things right. Frozen is slated to release on November 27.
When a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, Anna, a fearless optimist, teams up with extreme mountain man Kristoff and his sidekick reindeer Sven on an epic journey to find Anna’s sister Elsa, the Snow Queen, and put an end to her icy spell. Encountering mystical trolls, a funny snowman named Olaf, Everest-like extremes and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom from destruction.