The latest Press Row Podcast deviates from the usual formula to tackle some presentations and a number of interviews with developers and attendees at E3.
♦Rich Grisham and PastaPadre summarize everything they’ve seen on the show floor
♦EA’s Director of Marketing Anthony Stevenson discusses E3, Madden, and NBA Live
♦NBA Live executive producer Sean O’Brien discusses EA’s basketball franchise
♦NBA Live gameplay designer Scott O’Gallagher with a breakdown of the E3 floor demo
♦NCAA 14 producer Ben Haumiller discusses his E3 experience
♦Madden gurus Zach Farley and Steve Gibbons go into detail about everything M25
♦Madden NFL 25 designer Vic Lugo goes through a detailed demo of next-gen physics
♦Madden NFL 25 designer Clint Oldenburg gives the crowd a demo of next-gen blocking
♦Operation Sports’ Steve Noah and Glen Wigmore close the show with an overview of E3
Make sure to watch the live Hangout that was conducted for even more discussion on all the news and impressions that came out of the event.
Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future ones in the comments!