Fans of the Veronica Mars television series which ran from 2004 t0 2007 have always longed for a feature film to continue following the characters. The original plan had been to produce one – with the concept of jumping ahead several years even being pitched to the studio in 2007 – but it has been unable to come together ever since despite the main principles (creator Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell) pushing for it. Though the fan base has been devoted and passionate it was never a huge ratings draw having aired on UPN and later CW.
Now though it is finally happening. With a Kickstarter that went live this morning the movie will get the go-ahead if $2 million is funded. Within 5 hours it had already reached $1 million setting a Kickstarter record. There’s no question it is going to happen, possibly by the end of the day, and the funds collected beyond that amount will go towards making the movie even better.
Veronica Mars will forever go down as one of my favorite shows of all-time. The first season is quite possibly one of the best in television history, the second is still excellent, and the third was meddled with too much by the network (coinciding with the move to CW) until the final few episodes which were back to being great. For those who haven’t seen the show get a hold of the first season and give it a shot. It was not just some “teen” show like perception may have been at the time. The payoff at the end is well worth it.
(Update) The $2 million mark was passed in under 9 hours.