The latest casting news for the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man has Paul Giamatti signing on to play Rhino. The character debuted in the comics in the 60’s and is known for his indestructible nature with increased power and speed following an experiment.
Giamatti joins Jamie Foxx (Electro) as the primary villains for the film. Dane DeHaan however could be yet another as Harry Osborn – potentially later becoming the Green Goblin. That suggests there is a possible build-up in place to a “Sinister Six” (supervillain group) storyline for the third film. There have been several different formations of the group but all of the characters in question, including The Lizard, have been involved in some capacity at different times.
Shailene Woodley is Mary-Jane Watson while Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker) and Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy) return with Marc Webb on again to direct. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is slated to release on May 2, 2014.