The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
•FIFA 13 (PC Download version) is on sale through the end of the day for $26.
•A few deals as Tiger Woods 13 Collector’s Edition (360) is $30 and SSX (360) is $20.
•EA Sports posted some guidelines on how to keep FIFA Ultimate Team accounts safe.
•A reminder that the highly significant patch for Madden NFL 13 is due out on Tuesday.
•A roster update for Connected Careers in Madden NFL 13 was released on Wednesday.
•A roster update for Online Association in NBA 2K13 was released on Friday.
•It’s now been 8 months of unfulfilled promises regarding a patch for UFC Undisputed 3.
•IGN’s interview with EA VP Andrew Wilson on sales success and core philosophies.
•The Vita version of Madden NFL 13 will be getting a patch very soon.
•EA Sports released a new tuner update for NHL 13.
•2K Sports has released a video detailing the NIKEiD feature in NBA 2K13.
•NLSC has posted all the features missing from the PC version of NBA 2K13.
•Looks like the PC download version of NBA 2K13 has been delayed again now to 10/30.
•Steve Lyons will be part of the commentary team for MLB 13: The Show.
•NBA Baller Beats sold a pathetic 3K copies in September.
News and content that may have been missed from the last week around the site.
•DVD/Blu-ray Releases This Week. Headlined by That’s My Boy and Madagascar 3.
•Deal on The Dark Knight trilogy Blu-ray pack for just $30.
•The Total Recall Blu-ray will include an exclusive God of War: Ascension demo.
•Trailer for Broken City. Crime drama starring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe.
•Fourth Season of Louie Pushed Back to 2014. Louis C.K. taking a creative breather.
•Trailer for The Croods. Dreamworks’ latest animated film due out March 2013.
•Trailer for The Guilt Trip. Comedy starring Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand.
•Amazon is offering a free $2 MP3 credit for answering a question and sharing to FB.