Charting the track that NCAA Football 13 has taken to its release has been interesting. Coming off a year in which the series was plagued by a bevy of serious problems polls along the way showed anticipation levels were able to recover and rise for announcements related to gameplay, presentation, and Dynasty mode. The demo also provided some positive traction in a time that was hostile due to the lack of the “Infinity Engine” which was announced for Madden NFL 13. Support waned though with initial gameplay videos and the Heisman Challenge mode – in particular the “Reaction Time” feature which has not been all that well received.
With the game’s release now a week away – and only a matter of days for those with the Season Ticket subscription – it made for the right time to get a sampling of reasons behind why consumers were choosing to purchase or avoid NCAA Football 13.
What follows is a representative look at the common responses that came in via Twitter and Facebook and how they fit in with the big picture.
•Many responses cite the $45 deal at Amazon as being what pushed them into a purchase. Whether that be with a long term outlook or simply to bridge the gap until Madden NFL 13’s release at the end of August.
•The inability to import draft classes or Campus Legends into Madden this year – and the lack of the Infinity Engine – has turned some away from buying NCAA.
•Others simply believe the series didn’t advance enough this year to justify buying it – or they still remain upset after the experience had with NCAA 12.
•Then there are those who feel differently about the improvements/additions – or simply buy on tradition or for a football fix.
In gauging reactions what seemed to be missing was a true sense of enthusiasm towards NCAA 13. Many presented reasons why they’re buying the game but most came with justifiable caveats. It’s not the greatest outlook for NCAA – in particular with Madden having an opportunity to really excel this year – but if the game is stable and enjoyable it’ll have at least regained its footing and the $45 deal makes it potentially easier to overlook any shortcomings and subsequently draw sufficient value from the product.