Tiger Woods 13 Price Already Cut

Posted April 2nd, 2012 at 11:15 am

Almost all of the sports titles to come out so far this year – UFC Undisputed 3, SSX, Grand Slam Tennis 2, and MLB 2K12 – have found themselves being offered at a discounted price at various retailers just weeks, and sometimes only days, after they released. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 hit stores last week and already Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop have dropped the price on the standard versions as well as the Collector’s Editions.

Amazon has both standard versions (360PS3) for $50 and the PS3 Collector’s Edition for $60. Best Buy has both standard versions for $50 and both Collector’s Editions for $60. Gamestop has reduced the price only on the standard versions to $50.

The new price is essentially the equivalent of what Amazon offered with pre-orders, where they provided a $10 promo credit for a future purchase at the site, but still is somewhat outside the norm for when standard price drops occur. Typically games sit at the full price for at least a couple weeks before dropping $10 or more. That multiple retailers are offering similar deals just six days after release could be an indication that sales are coming in lower than anticipated.