Heading into release for MLB 12: The Show there wasn’t a whole lot of optimism around online play. The series has always struggled to produce a sufficient online experience – it really has been the achilles’ heel that has kept it from reaching its potential beyond just being an excellent product but a complete one at that. So far with MLB 12 online has again proven to be troublesome with no apparent advancements having been made.
Reports of severe lag are dominating consumer discussions with “traffic delays” and disconnects occurring often as well. Some players have even had pitches selected and thrown without making any input on the controller and check swings are almost non-existent unless they weren’t actually intended.
The lag again gives pitching the big advantage as hitters must swing ultra-early to have any chance at making contact. Stats can tell the story there as even the top players on the leaderboards can’t hit or score many runs while across the board ERAs are incredibly low and strikeout numbers abnormally high.
Server problems could also explain why some Diamond Dynasty games are not recording. The reliability of that is central to the mode – inconsistency there could be devastating. Leagues are thankfully open and not blocked off as in the past but issues with settings are being mentioned and of course the performance of games in any online mode whether leagues or Diamond Dynasty will affect their value.
Not only has online failed to get better but the general consensus seems to be things have gotten worse. There is always the possibility that online will will improve over the coming days and weeks and certainly the company will be working towards that goal. However in previous years online has never realized notable improvement over time so the pessimism is warranted.