THQ is continuing to provide frequent updates on the status of UFC Undisputed 3’s online play. Having been plagued by server outages, frequent disconnects, severe lag, and other issues coinciding with release on Tuesday only minimal progress has been made since. Now heading into President’s Day weekend it appears those problems are going to continue however the company continues to work on implementing improvements and potential solutions.
Latest THQ Statement: The servers for UFC Undisputed 3 are back online, however please understand the following. You should be able to access all online features, including Ranked Play, Leaderbords, Fight Camps and Content Sharing, but you may experience infrequent disconnects. Please read the following for an update on the general situation and expectations in the short term:
Our development team is continuing to work steadfastly on a permanent fix to address the server stability; this will be a combination of fixes on the server side and a patch to be deployed down the road (the patch will also include general gameplay fixes). As the team continues work, you may experience intermittent server outages for short periods of time once in a while. The interruptions will only last a few minutes when they happen. If this occurs during your online experience, please understand our development team has been alerted and will have the servers back on quickly. We have a 24/7 team monitoring the servers. If there is an outage, it should only occur for a very short period and then be back online.
****We are experiencing a higher frequency of disconnects and instability, our development team is continuing work to address the uptime averages as they move towards a permanent fix. You may experience more frequent server disconnects this afternoon. We will keep you posted.****
Though THQ has done a good job of communicating that hasn’t prevented some frustrated fans from tweeting Dana White. To some surprise he hasn’t responded yet even if only to insult those complaining. Tweeting him though was basically the only way to get the message across back with UFC 2010 but here the company is at least providing consistent updates. Sooner or later though results will have to be seen.
The online troubles are especially unfortunate because otherwise UFC Undisputed 3 has proven to be an excellent product. Still, without a fully functioning and stable online experience, it could amount to a devastating blow to the reputation of the UFC franchise’s brand and its future with THQ. Full online impressions of UFC 3 will now go up on Monday followed by the Hits and Misses review a day or two later.