The Line Drive 1/15

Posted January 15th, 2012 at 10:30 am

The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.

•Madden Ultimate Team has a new playoff program ongoing.
•Producer blog details the new swing mechanic in Tiger Woods 13.
•A free Hyundai Veloster bonus pack for Forza 4 has come out.
•Kinect Sports S2 “Midnight Mountain Ski Pack” DLC (400MS points) has been released.
•Amazon has the 12 month Xbox Live subscription for $40 today – either card or instant code.

Side-blogs on Google Plus tackling industry topics – add to a circle and +1 while there! Also results of any ‘quick polls’ held on Twitter and Facebook.

•On the Wii version of Tiger Woods going from highest seller to cancelled in two years.
•On EA’s failure to resurrect the arcade-style sports genre.

Does the $1 million contest in MLB 2K12 make you more likely to purchase the game?
YES 4% – NO 96%

News and content that may have been missed from the last week around the site.

•2012 Golden Globe Award Winners. Homeland and The Descendants win big.
•DVD/Blu-ray releases this week. Headlined by Ides of March.
•The Walking Dead S3 gets extended. Next season will be 16 episodes instead of 13.
•The NFL Draft Section is up. Look for news and mock drafts in the future!
