Today EA Sports laid out details of the upcoming patch for NCAA Football 12. Expected to release for both the Xbox 360 and PS3 on Tuesday November 8th this will represent the fourth (and likely final) patch for the game. In terms of post-release support it really is more like the second, as the one ready for release day is essentially the shipped product and the last one was just fixing a problem that the earlier introduced.
This next patch will attempt to address three issues with the main one being continued work on the “Transfer Failed” stumbling block many Online Dynasties have hit. Continue on for the full explanation from EA of what to expect in next week’s patch for NCAA Football 12.
•Online Desync fix: We’ve fixed a desync that was occurring when performing pre-play adjustments from the 3-4 Under defensive formation.
•Road to Glory: We’ve fixed an issue with the playcalling AI where running plays were called too often in situations where a passing play should be called. This was most noticeable when trailing late in a game with a running back RTG character.
•Online Dynasty – Transfer Failed: There are a few different issues that are causing Transfer Failed notifications in Online Dynasties. The majority of people ran into this error when attempting to upload data (i.e. game result, recruiting info, etc.). The fix for this issue involved more than we could do on the server side alone, and that fix is included in this Title Update. There will also be a server deployment necessary to complete the fix for these Transfer Failed issues. At this time, it looks like that server deployment will happen shortly after the Title Update is available. Once we know the exact date of the deployment we will be sure to pass the info along. As for the remaining Transfer Failed issues, we are continuing to investigate server side fixes for these issues.