I’m currently on my way to San Diego for this year’s Comic-Con! What that means for the site over the coming days:
Heavily dependent on the wifi and/or cell reception at the convention center new articles will be posted during the day covering any gaming news or developments per the usual to go along with the breaking entertainment news, screening reviews, and media from Comic-Con on the entertainment side. However there may be more in the way of lumping several articles in the late evenings and mornings from the comfort of the hotel room should any complications arise with doing so on location.
Tonight I’ll be at “Preview Night” likely roaming the convention floor. The event officially starts tomorrow and runs through Sunday. Follow along for news and observations from Comic-Con by following on Twitter, choosing to “like” on Facebook, and now adding to a circle on Google Plus – where I’ll be posting the majority of photos – and I’ll do the same in return.