The hits keep on coming for the EA Sports Tiburon studio. After breaking the news last month that several high ranking developers and executives were departing for the new social gaming studio being headed up by former Tiburon GM Philip Holt even more is happening behind the scenes as a long-tenured Executive Producer is leaving the company.
Multiple sources have confirmed to me that Jeremy Strauser, who started with EA Sports way back in 1995, has taken a position with Zynga – the largest social gaming company in the world. He will join former Electronic Arts COO John Schappert who was announced to be heading to the company late last month, and Steve Chiang the former co-founder of Tiburon who made the move just over a year ago.
This would appear to represent a setback to the development of EA Sports new sim NBA series. Strauser was brought on as Executive Producer on the project which is still just getting off the ground as it heads towards a fall 2012 release. He also has been overseeing NBA Jam: On Fire Edition which will be out in October. In recent years Strauser has worked as EP on Madden NFL (08,10,11), NCAA Football (08, 09, 10), and NFL Head Coach.