There were many rumors around who was in the running to play Lois Lane in the upcoming reboot of Superman from director Zack Synder and producer Christopher Nolan. The LA Times reported today a decision has been made (since confirmed by Synder) and the coveted role has gone to Academy Award nominee Amy Adams (The Fighter, Enchanted).
“There was a big, giant search for Lois,” Snyder said. “For us it was a big thing and obviously a really important role. We did a lot of auditioning but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt she was perfect for it.”
Adams joins Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Kevin Costner as Jonathan “Pa” Kent, and Diane Lane as Martha “Ma” Kent as those who have been officially cast in the film. Superman is set to begin production this summer and is headed for a release in December 2012.