In a posting yesterday the Playstation Blog casually revealed that a demo for MLB 11: The Show would release with the update of PSN on the evening of Tuesday February 21st. This comes as somewhat of a surprise simply due to the timing involved and that to date SCEA had not publicly discussed any of their plans for the demo.
Typically Sony would make a bigger deal out of promoting their products including their demo releases. That Killzone 3 releases on Tuesday ultimately shouldn’t affect how The Show would be marketed, even as they surely would like the primary focus for the day to be on Killzone.
Regardless it looks as though the demo will be out tomorrow and after everything that went down last year that is an encouraging development in itself. This is an important one given that the new analog control schemes will take some time to adapt to. Details on the what the demo will entail will likely come sometime today or early tomorrow. (Update: Four innings of a World Series rematch with Rangers @ Giants)