Today brings word that Legendary Pictures has acquired the rights to Toho’s famed Godzilla character. Legendary is the company behind movies such as 300, Watchmen, The Hangover, and The Dark Knight. Warner Brothers will co-finance and co-produce with a targeted release date in 2012.
Toho’s GODZILLA franchise boasts one of the most widely recognized film creatures worldwide, resulting in a series of books, television programs, video games and more than 25 films worldwide. Legendary intends to approach the film and its characters in the most authentic manner possible. The company will, in the near future, announce a filmmaker to helm the film for an intended 2012 release.
Given that this will be a Warner Brothers film we know with certainty it will be in 3D as well. Having almost certainly learned from the failure of 1998’s Godzilla, hopefully with Legendary taking on the project they can produce a compelling re-boot with a unique visual style.