EA Sports has released a blog detailing what will be found in the second patch for Madden 10. There is nothing further provided on when the patch will be out as it is just awaiting certification clearance from Microsoft and Sony. Release of the blog though likely signifies that it is going to arrive very soon. For a while now we’ve been working off this list of items expected in the patch. However as stated in the blog we know in addition to those things the patch will be providing the following.
- Tribute sticker for Steve McNair added to Titans helmets
- Tribute sticker for Defensive Coordinator Jim Johnson added to Eagles helmets
- Doubled the length of replays
- Increased frequency of auto-replays especially after touchdowns
- Reduced the number of times the chain-gang measurement scene occurs
- Extended time in post-play to allow those scenes to fully play out
- Stats tuned for franchise mode
- Decreased chances of injury for players with high injury ratings
- Included each player’s draft info to be viewable in franchise