EW.com spoke with The Hangover director Todd Phillips. He shared some details on a sequel in the works for the 2009 hit comedy. Phillips was thinking of sequel while shooting the original.
“You always have those days when you say, ‘If we did another one, wouldn’t it be funny if…?’ ” Phillips says. “Then once the movie tested so well, Warner Bros. came to me even before it was released and said, ‘Let’s do another one.’ “ Phillips, who’s currently shooting the road-movie comedy Due Date, with Robert Downey Jr. and Hangover star Zach Galifianakis, says he’s midway through working on the script for the Hangover sequel.
While details of the plot were not revealed, Phillips did say the sequel would reunite Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis. It will be interesting to see where the sequel takes the trio? Phillips mentioned the movie wouldn’t necessarily be set in Vegas again, or simply rehash the first movie.