While the patch status for NBA Live 09 remains in question, we do finally have the details of what is being included. As expected many of the well discussed gripes such as shot percentages, delay in attempting shot blocks, and improvements to Online Team Play are included.
It sounds as though there are numerous fixes/improvements that aren’t specifically mentioned so we’ll be looking for or coming across them on our own. Hopefully they’ll wipe out the current record and stats in OTP given the changes. I’ll also be checking to see if they fixed the auto-inbounding that was plaguing the mode.
Continue on for the full details explained through a message from the dev team.
The patch for the PS3 was prematurely pushed live from Sony. They quickly pulled it, but we’re working on getting them to put it back up now that it’s out there (stay tuned on that one). The XBOX 360 patch should follow shortly, and we appreciate your patience!
We wanted to give you some details on what’s included in the patch. We listened to the community feedback very closely, and although we couldn’t get everything we wanted to in the patch due to size limitations (like beluba said earlier), we do think we’ve addressed some key issues.
- The reception of NCAA Basketball 09, from a gameplay perspective, has been really good. Part of the luxury of being on the same engine for our basketball franchises is that we can differentiate between the two, but through the patch process, we’re able to get some of the really good things that the NCAA Basketball 09 team did. We addressed a lot of the gameplay complaints that you guys had including tuning shooting percentages, both overall and in contact situations, so that you’ll have a more realistic shooting percentage outcome. We also made some quick strike ballhandling, analog passing (logic and receptions) and jostle improvements.
- The number one thing we were able to address was the responsiveness with block animations.
- We adjusted the skill level of OTP to All-Star, so with lowered shooting percentages and a higher skill level, you should have a much improved OTP experience. Speaking of OTP, you’re now able to see the “Scouting” tab to look at position leaders (not just the GMs). We bumped up the club search window to 60 seconds so that you’ll have a better opportunity to find a club to play against.
- You’re now also able to put headbands on NBA players, and the team color accessory bug has been fixed.
- Teams with alternate home jerseys are now wearing their HOME shoes instead of their away.
- There are other under the hood things included in the patch (like the autosave in FIBA mode now working) that we won’t go into, but we’re pretty confident that you’ll notice a difference in NBA LIVE 09.
Thanks for your support!
The NBA LIVE Dev Team