Operation Sports has provided the first opportunity to see gameplay from NCAA Basketball 09 with a video of North Carolina @ Duke. It goes from the loading shoot-around through just over the first four minutes of the first quarter.
Just some quick observations I made from the video:
- There is little info given pre-game, with the lineups showing nothing but the player # and name (or in this case their position). It isn’t giving any info to use such as you see with Live’s DNA. There should really be some type of info provided there because many people aren’t going to know the skills of the individuals in a college game.
- You can definitely recognize the NBA Live engine though having a longer video or in getting to play the demo later this week I’m sure much more differentiation between the two games will be realized. Apparently this will especially be seen in the additional animations and the tempo feature.
- Love the court spacing, it seems even more wide open than Live which should prove beneficial.
You can watch the video here. Make sure to leave your thoughts on it in the comments.