It goes without saying that today is GTA IV day. I doubt there will be much (if any) sports gaming news or info to be released with all the concentration around GTA. So I’ll be online playing (360) this evening and anyone who’d like to get together for some matches just leave your info in the comments. If there is anything interesting relating to the sports titles that makes its way out today I’ll be sure to get it up as usual.
- I expect the daily NCAA Football 09 screenshots to return on Thursday after taking a few days off.
- It looks like Facebreaker for the 360/PS3 (originally thought to be an early November release) may be out in early September. Four new screenshots have been added to the gallery.
- An effort is being made to possibly add online weather in Madden 09 after the community reacted unfavorably to the news that it wouldn’t be included. I’ll have some thoughts on this and more in the near future after a discussion with Phil Frazier last week.
- Make sure to vote in the poll for which NFL team had the best Madden Draft. Kansas City and Pittsburgh are the two that have separated themselves from the pack.
- Who else is excited for Iron Man coming out? This is really the kickoff to the summer movie season. Other than Cloverfield and Forgetting Sarah Marshall I haven’t felt the desire to head out to the theaters over the past several months.