First Prizefighter screenshots

Posted January 17th, 2008 at 5:15 am

2K Don King: Prizefighter

10 screens from Don King Presents: Prizefighter have been released providing the first look at the new game. They come from the Xbox 360 version (the Wii and DS will also be seeing the game).

The inevitable comparisons between Prizefighter and Fight Night Round 3 will be made at every step and with these screens brings the first impression that Prizefighter’s graphics are not nearly as impressive.

You can check out the screenshots by visiting the gallery.

Update: At the request of 2K Sports I have removed the images. It appears that these screens may not have been meant for release and how or why they were made available is unknown. However it would be unfair to make any judgments on the game based on screenshots that were not meant for the public. Hopefully 2K will release official screens shortly.

Update #2: Maxconsole has posted confirmation that the screens were in fact from an early build of the game that didn’t include key features, art, and design. 2K is looking into capturing and releasing new images from a current build that they feel represents the game properly.

Update #3: I have received confirmation that the two screenshots now in the gallery were officially released by 2K and come from a more recent build.
